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Saab 900 Turbo Cabrio 1987 “S-AF 93” – Somerville

March 8, 2022

Manufacter: Somerville
Production: 1991 – 2002
Scale: 1:43
Colour: Black

Saab 900 Cabrio Turbo 1987 “S-AF 93” – Regarding to Saab-Archive, a Saab 92 with “S-AF 92” plate was a Christmas-gifts in 1992, the German “Saab Autofinanz” ordered 111 dark green 92-models. I bought this model to a German that was selling models from someone that worked in a Saab dealer. Did the “Saab Autofinanz” ordered more models for the 1993 Christmas? Someone know the quantity?

If you have more informations, please contact me.

Regarding to SAAB-ARCHIVE:

“Special / Limited Edition
S1 – 1994 – Replicars:
scarabee green metallic – made for “Replicars” NL (100 units) – no difference to the 1999 offered version during the standard Somerville-range.
S2 – 1995 – Replicars:
monte carlo yellow – Promo-model Nürnberg Toy-Fair 1995 made for “Replicars” NL – Swedish number-plate “MSL 130”. The black painted sides are the only differences to the 1999 offered version during the standard Somerville-range.
S3 – 1995 – Replicars:
monte carlo yellow – made for “Replicars” NL (100 units) – the yellow Dutch number-plate “RB-88-MB” is the only difference to the 1999 offered version during the standard Somerville-range.
S4 – 1996 – nch:
white “Big Bike Ride” – made for “Iain Hodcroft / nch – action for children” organisation GB (50 units) – the decals are the only difference to the 1999 offered version during the standard Somerville-range.”

I'm a Saab enthusiast, a Saab driver fan and also a Saab model car collector.