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Special thanks to Saab-Archive

It seems to me that I know Saab-Archive webpage for ages, I kindly call it the “Saab car model Bible”, because there you can find information about most existing models at all scales. Wolfgang Schmel has one of the biggest Saab car model collection and his job with Saab-Archive is just awesome! Knowing some details about models is great and I’m pretty sure that is also a bible for all Saab models fans.

The knowledge  in Saab-Archive, for me, as fan, it’s priceless!

Thanks for all information provided about Saab Car Models during the years!

Saab-Archive “Bible”


Special thanks to Maciej Różalski

Maciej was one of the biggest collectors of Saab Car Models in the world, thanks for all the patience helping me with some very hard to find models and also for letting me use his images  in “My Saab Diecast” from his old Saab collection.


Special thanks to Rui Henriques

I’d like to thank a friend that is also a Saab Fan, for helping me with the translation and texts of MySaabDiecast.